What is this?

Proto B, or the ‘Proto-Behavioural’, is a concept built from the idea that all behaviour has a common origin. It is based on the idea that, regardless of cultural background or upbringing, all human behaviour is derived from a handful of ‘primitive’ behavioural patterns or ‘proto-behaviours’ that are coded into the human brain's architecture, and expressed through active learning. As Proto B has gained increasing recognition as a viable methodology for understanding and predicting human behaviour, it has been widely researched for its potential implications for the fields of psychology, sociology, economics, politics, and game theory.

See also: agi, emergence, evolutionary computing, protocol, evolutionary psychology

EP26 Jordan Hall on the Game B Emergence 1,943

EP 153 Forrest Landry on Small Group Method 1,421

EP123 Jamie Wheal on Recapturing the Rapture 474

Currents 032: Tyson Yunkaporta on Spirits, GameB & Protopias 245

EP51 Richard Bartlett on Self-Organizing Collaboration 179

EP63 Michel Bauwens on P2P & Commons 178

Currents 019: Alexander Beiner on Indigenous Narcissism 151

EP54 Robert Conan Ryan on Boom & Bust Cycles 134

EP50 Joe Brewer on Earth Regeneration 76